Repeat prescriptions are only given after they are agreed with a clinician and entered on to your repeat medication list. A minimum of 48 hours notice is required for processing a prescription.
All repeat prescriptions are now processed through the Prescription line between 10am-12pm Monday to Friday
Patients on long-term medication can order repeat prescriptions in several ways;
This is through NHS App or AccuRX. If you don’t already have an account, please ask at Reception to be registered. You will need photo ID when registering for a NHS App or AccuRX account. This is the easiest way of ordering your medication. 01695 317280
To get to NHS Apps, click here.
By speaking to the Prescription line 01695 317280
Non-urgent advice: Notice
We are no longer accepting paper prescription requests at the surgery, please do not bring any to the front door or post them through the letter box. Prescriptions can be requested via any of the above listed methods.
We now send repeat prescriptions (including Controlled Drugs) electronically to the pharmacy of your choice. If you don’t already have a pharmacy nominated, you can do this by informing Reception, informing the Prescription line when you place an order or by asking your usual pharmacy to nominate themselves.
Your medication will be reviewed on an annual basis. This will be done by either a GP, Advanced Nurse Practitioner or Practice Nurse. If the clinician would like to see you for a medication review, or you need blood tests as part of your medication monitoring; you will receive an invitation for this via text or post.
Self Care Items
Please note that some items of medication are no longer able to be prescribed, and should be purchased over the counter.
Please go to to read about the CCG’s policy on this.