
The Elms Practice aims to give a friendly and professional service to all our patients. However, if you have any concerns about any aspect of our service, please let us know. Speak to whoever you feel most comfortable – your GP, our practice manager or our reception staff will be happy to help. In the majority of cases, concerns can be resolved quite easily. There is a complaints, form readily available from reception or you can telephone the Practice manager.

However, if you feel we have not dealt with the issues you have raised as you would wish, you can write to NHS England, P.O. Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT. or Telephone 0300 311 22 33 (Monday to Friday 8 am-6 pm, excluding, English Bank Holidays), you can also Email:

You can also contact Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman if you feel the issues you have raised have not been dealt with.

The Ombudsman’s role is to make final decisions on complaints that have not been resolved locally by the NHS in England. The Ombudsman looks at complaints where someone believes there has been injustice or hardship because an organisation has not acted properly or has given a poor service and not put things right.

The Ombudsman can recommend that organisations provide explanations, apologies and financial remedies to service users and that they take action to improve services.

Making a complaint | Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)

Complaints Procedure